Can We Make Air Freshener with Fabric Softener?

A good smelling house is the ultimate source of comfort when someone unlocks the door after attending a tiring day at the office or after returning from a long trip. That pleasant smell can instantly lighten your mood and provide a relaxing feeling amidst the busy routine. One way we can do this is by using an air freshener.

But, in case you run out of air fresheners, you can make use of your DIY skills. Using some simple ingredients like fabric softener, you can make air freshener at home.

How to make air freshener with fabric softener?

Fabric softeners present in the market can be dangerous because of the toxic chemicals used in their making. A DIY air freshener can be made with fabric softener that lasts longer than store-bought versions and is completely safe for your health.

We usually probably end up spending a lot of money on commercial room sprays to keep the “pleasant aroma” in our residence. While they are beneficial, they can have a number of negative side effects.

What are the steps to make air freshener with fabric softener?

Any commercial room spray contains a dangerous chemical. These harmful substances have the potential to cause major health problems, such as allergies and respiratory disorders. The problem can be easily tackled by utilizing natural products to freshen up your surroundings.

Before digging into the process of making an air freshener, you should be aware of the materials required for its making. Following are the elements necessary for the process:

  • warm water
  • plastic spray bottle
  • 1/8 cup of fabric softener
  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda

Next is the procedure to make the air freshener:

Collect the material

Bring your fabric softener, baking soda, water, and a spray bottle to the table. It doesn’t matter how you mix it all together; we just combine it all together in the bottle for simplicity’s sake, but you may also mix it in a separate bowl or container before pouring it in the bottle.

Heat some water to a boil

You can use standard hot tap water, but our tap takes a long time to warm up, so we used a tea kettle to accelerate the process. It doesn’t have to be hot just heated enough to mix the baking soda and fabric softener together.

The baking soda in the softener might become clumpy if the water isn’t warm enough, making it more difficult to shake up and dissolve.

Measure the fabric softener

You may choose to use more or less, but 1/8 cup of fabric softener appears to work well. Simultaneously, you want enough softener in the solution to avoid spraying only water into the air.

Combine baking soda and water

Mix the softener with a little water before pouring it all into the container, but you may also pour it in all at once. Adding a little water to the mixture before pouring it into the spray bottle helps to break up the baking soda, making it simpler to pour into the spray bottle, depending on the size of the opening.

Afterward, shake the baking soda, water, and fabric softener in the bottle like a saltshaker until the baking soda is dissolved and the water and fabric softener are best friends. The water will still be warm, and the more you shake the spray container, the easier it will come out.

Label the bottle properly

Usually, the house is full of different types of bottles among which some are labeled while others are not. For precaution, label the bottle of homemade air freshener.

How to Make an All-Natural Air Freshener Spray Without Using Synthetic Chemicals?

You may make your own air freshener spray without fabric softener if you don’t have any or don’t want to use it due of the harmful ingredients.

All you need are some simple ingredients:

  • Spray bottle of your preference for in-car use, pocket-sized mist bottle is preferred, and for around the house, large spray bottle would be best.
  • White vinegar or rubbing alcohol.
  • Essential oils of your choosing — budget-friendly starter set with six flavors is best option.
  • Warm water.

This air freshener spray is best made using rubbing alcohol because it helps the spray evaporate faster. Vinegar, on the other hand, will work.

Following is a simple procedure to make this natural air freshener:

  1. Remove the cap from your spray container and shake it vigorously. Fill the bottle with rubbing alcohol to around 15% capacity.
  2. Toss in a few drops of essential oil of your choosing. For a tiny bottle, add 5 drops. For a large bottle, add 20 drops.
  3. If you want a stronger aroma, add even more. Fill the bottle with warm water until it’s completely full. Shake vigorously.
  4. Allow it to cool before spraying as needed.

If you don’t have access to rubbing alcohol or vinegar, you might try mixing your scented oils with plain water. It may turn out to be good enough that you don’t need the extra ingredients. However, if you want to use it as a cleaning solution, adding some alcohol or vinegar would help it clean more effectively.

Related questions

Is it possible to use soap as an air freshener?

Soap isn’t intended to be used as an air freshener; there are specific products for that purpose. If you use it for something other than what it was designed for, you may face some consequences down the line. Yes, inhaling scented hygiene soap while washing your body can cause unintentional soap poisoning.

How do I use fabric softener to make my house smell nice?

Add one capful of softener to two capfuls of water, simmer, and enjoy the aroma of freshly washed clothes throughout your home. For a fresh room spray, dilute with another capful or two of water in a spray bottle, or place inside a wax warmer to disperse the perfume throughout.


Now, you have become familiar with the process of making air fresheners with fabric softener. The process is simple and special attention should be given while labeling the bottle as it may be harmful especially for children.

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